Sunday, November 16, 2014

Visual Analysis

In Jeff Danziger's political cartoon Hey, Kids! Here's What You're Borrowing to Pay For! (2010), he states that the money people pay for college goes towards activities that don't benefit them. This cartoon appeals to ethos by the facial expressions painted in the people at the bottom. The people at the bottom can be students paying for their education or they can be parents paying for their child’s education. The expressions on their faces symbolize the struggle they have to go through to earn the money. College costs a lot of money people don’t have so they turn to loans from the government. As time passes they become in debt and have to carry that weight of their shoulders. This cartoon also appeals to logos by the different activities the money they’re paying goes to. The money, leaving people in debt, goes towards sports like football. College Football is one of the top money making industries in United States. The college presidents thus put the money of students into new helmets, new balls, new pads, and more importantly maintenance of the stadium. This does not benefit the students at all of accomplishing their academic goals but it does help the college presidents become wealthier. Danziger’s political cartoon is directed towards the people in debt that are struggling to get through their education, while the rich presidents sit back, drink wine, and relax. College is not worth going the large amount of money people pay for goes towards irrelevant academic activities, as presented in the political cartoon.

Date created: Aug. 23, 2010
Date seen: Nov. 12, 2014 ---- website for political cartoon

Sunday, November 2, 2014

"For some, college not worth the debt" by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

In his article "For some, College not worth the debt" Glenn Harlan Reynolds (2013) states that college is not worth the amount of money and time as many people have different backgrounds, economic status, and mindset. The main concept in today’s society is that college is for everyone. Students applying to college should really think about the downsides and upsides of college.
People that went to college often have a mixture of imagination and memory. People who attended courses and acquired a job degree often have positive memories about their college experiences.  Other people who attended the same college and courses have different opinions about their experiences.
Some people are very sociable and are able to make friends that causes for memorable experiences. There is other people that don’t have their life set up or planned yet. Thus, making it hard to focus on one major and causing for their experience to be hectic. These people are stressed throughout the year. Making it hard to be friendly and eventually leading towards graduating with a lot of debt on the easiest degree. In other cases, some of these people don’t graduate and are left with debt causing adulthood problems that can interfere for the rest of their life.
People go to college to become financially stable and prosper in life. Colleges rely on admittance of people with the same grades and tests scores because the organization feels that these people have the same capabilities and knowledge to prosper once they graduate.  People are the same educational wise but come from different backgrounds causing for them to become liberated once they attend college. These highly intellectual women start partying and lose their mindset on why they came to college.
People who have money and come from a better background, are most likely to get away with any party relative issue they might have. On the other hand, the people who come from a poor background and start living the party life, get problems that their not able to get away from. These problems lead to not having impressive records and having a hard time acquiring their dream job. Once graduated these people are also left with debt issues causing for poverty. People who come from a poor background do the best when they attend a non-party school.
The people with a poor background who choose to go to an expensive college don’t come out with the results promised. People can agree that the more expensive a product is, then it is expect ed have a higher quality. This argument is made by parents whom feel their kids don’t get the necessary results or education they paid for.
 If you are father of a student or a student who is planning to attend college, you should really think about how college will benefit you in the future and why you want to attend it.  Also people should not follow the trend of going to college as there’s different forms of acquiring money.
Colleges is not efficient for all forms of students.  Students who come from a poverty household come out with worst test results. This can be blamed on living a party life but whatever it is, it shows that college is not teaching them anything and therefore is a waste of time and money. The success in college can depend on skills not many people have. Whether these skills is coming from  a minority household, living a party life, not having enough money, or just being plain and simple not ready for college.
Yes, although a low acquiring college degree is a credential and you are seen as higher intellectual; college can be a waste of time and money. In the future college degrees may not even matter anymore but rather be substituted with people whom have skills and knowledge on certain situations.

These people are not based off of any grades but rather their skills.  As many people can have skills but not the good grades. Society thinks that kids with a low GPA are not ready for college and are often not given the chase to prove them wrong. Before attending college and try to acquire a four year degree, you should really think about the upsides and downsides of this long lasting investment. As college is not for everyone since everyone is different and can have different resources.