Sunday, November 16, 2014

Visual Analysis

In Jeff Danziger's political cartoon Hey, Kids! Here's What You're Borrowing to Pay For! (2010), he states that the money people pay for college goes towards activities that don't benefit them. This cartoon appeals to ethos by the facial expressions painted in the people at the bottom. The people at the bottom can be students paying for their education or they can be parents paying for their child’s education. The expressions on their faces symbolize the struggle they have to go through to earn the money. College costs a lot of money people don’t have so they turn to loans from the government. As time passes they become in debt and have to carry that weight of their shoulders. This cartoon also appeals to logos by the different activities the money they’re paying goes to. The money, leaving people in debt, goes towards sports like football. College Football is one of the top money making industries in United States. The college presidents thus put the money of students into new helmets, new balls, new pads, and more importantly maintenance of the stadium. This does not benefit the students at all of accomplishing their academic goals but it does help the college presidents become wealthier. Danziger’s political cartoon is directed towards the people in debt that are struggling to get through their education, while the rich presidents sit back, drink wine, and relax. College is not worth going the large amount of money people pay for goes towards irrelevant academic activities, as presented in the political cartoon.

Date created: Aug. 23, 2010
Date seen: Nov. 12, 2014 ---- website for political cartoon

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