Tuesday, March 3, 2015

T-Chart for "Is college worth it?" Opinion by William J. Bennett and David Wilezol

-          LOGOS: Before deciding whether or not college is the right choice, it is important to make an honest assessment of a student’s ability and inclination to do college-level work.
-          LOGOS: If a student can get into a highly ranked school, it is probably worth it to go there, even if she has to borrow money

-          LOGOS: Secondly, it is important for students to consider the probable financial impact of their course of study

-          LOGOS: Students need to make smart decisions about their capacity for academic work, the job prospects for their major, and how they will pay for their education
-          ETHOS: Federal Reserve has estimated that the current nationwide amount of student debt is over $1 trillion.
-          PATHOS: found that approximately 50 percent of the class of 2011 was either unemployed or underemployed. As a result, many recent graduates are putting off getting married, starting families and buying homes.
-          LOGOS: Too often, unchallenging or novelty academics, such as courses on Lady Gaga, have replaced rigorous learning in the traditional liberal arts and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) disciplines.
-          PATHOS: Additionally, most college campuses have an unabashedly liberal political orientation, and are rife with binge drinking, illegal drug use and the degrading “hook-up” culture.
-          LOGOS: If a student has real doubts about whether he can commit to four years of papers, tests and class time, he shouldn’t go.

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